Από: Boris Schäfer <boris@torsten-nagengast.de>
Προς: 'Aris'
Στάλθηκε: 4:16 μ.μ. Τρίτη, 2 Απριλίου 2013
Θέμα: AW: Σχετ: Update
Hi Aris,
finally some good news to start the week. I will start to prepare the first watches TODAY, so they can be shipped to your members. I also have some more information for your members, but I prefer to send a personal email later.
I will send those mails in the evening, but I already wanted you to know, that the first watches will get packed today. So your members should receive them within the next days (depends on DHL).
I hope you had a nice weekend with your family.
Best wishes,
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / with kind regards
Boris Schäfer
Fa. Torsten Nagengast
Mail: boris@torsten-nagengast.de
Web: watch-trade.de | torsten-nagengast.de
Tel: +49 2772 5825165
Fax: +49 2772 5825166
Inhaber: Torsten Nagengast, Ringstr.18, 35716 Dietzhölztal | UsStID DE 242427018